Best food for pregnant women

When you are in a state of pregnancy and you feed yourself, the responsibility is double: you must not only feed yourself well for your body, there is a small body developing inside you from the nutrients that you provide with your diet. Therefore, it is very necessary to know what are the best foods for a pregnant woman.

To find out where to find each of these components, write down the best foods for a pregnant woman that we present below.

  1. Eggs:

The egg contains about 12 vitamins and minerals and is one of the best sources of protein, an essential macronutrient for your baby’s muscle development. All cells in the body are made of protein.

A woman with normal cholesterol levels can consume one or two eggs a day in different preparations.

  1. Salmon:

It is another food rich in protein, omega 3 essential fatty acids, and is low in mercury, a compound that can be harmful to children and is found in abundant amounts in other fish.

  1. Grains or legumes are one of the best foods for a pregnant woman:

Chickpeas, lentils, beans, and peas are ideal for the diet during the months of pregnancy because they contain iron, calcium, and zinc. In addition, grains are foods rich in fiber, the nutrient that helps regulate digestion and prevent conditions such as constipation.

  1. Integral products:

Brown rice, popcorn, oatmeal, cereals, and quinoa are also suitable for pregnant women thanks to their contribution of fiber, vitamin E, selenium, and phytonutrients, small particles that protect cell walls.

  1. Walnuts:

If you prefer to consume plant-based proteins, nuts and dried fruits are among the best options. Walnuts are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids and can be included in anything from sandwiches to salads.

  1. Greek yogurt:

It has twice the protein compared to conventional yogurt and is also rich in calcium, one of the most important minerals for the physical development of the baby.

  1. Dark leafy green vegetables, one of the best foods for a pregnant woman:

Spinach, cabbage, broccoli, and all their relatives are rich in vitamins A, C, K, and folate. These types of vegetables also improve the health of vision and the processes of the digestive system in both the mother and the child.

  1. Lean meats:

The meats are loaded with quality protein. Eat beef, pork, chicken, or lamb but always remove the skin, bones, and fat.

Cold meats and sausages are not so recommended due to their high concentration of sodium, a substance that, in excess, can increase blood pressure.

  1. Fruits and vegetables:

Consuming these foods with all the variety of colors they have will ensure that you and your child receive the nutrients you need to take care of your body. Each color of fruit or vegetable provides you with a different type of vitamin or mineral.

  1. Citrus:

Thanks to their antioxidants and vitamin C, calcium, carotenoids, vitamin A and potassium that they are capable of offering to the body, do not stop consuming tangerines, oranges, grapefruit, lemons, or limes during this magical stage. What is better than encouraging the absorption of iron and calcium with a good fresh and natural lemonade?