Best food for a healthy kidney

To maintain a healthy kidney, the most advisable thing, according to the expert, is to eat a healthy, varied, and balanced diet within the framework of the Mediterranean diet in which all food groups are present; as long as you don’t have any kidney disease, he points out.

In addition, the “consumption of sweets, sausages, commercial snacks and all kinds of industrial products and fast food must be moderated and all these recommendations must be complemented with the regular practice of physical activity, adapted to the individual characteristics of each one of us” experts add.

Check out the below best foods for a healthy kidney:


Blueberries have low sugar content and are rich in antioxidants and flavonoids. In addition, this fruit has certain astringent and antibacterial properties that make it a very appropriate food for the prevention of cystitis or urinary infections.

The best thing about this food is that it allows multiple options when consuming it: in juice, raw, smoothie… etc. It depends on the consumer’s imagination.


This refreshing tuber contains water, mineral salts, and vitamins. In addition, it has important diuretic properties and helps to speed up the waste elimination process carried out by our body.

This is also a food that gives multiple possibilities of consumption, in infusion, as an addition to salads, or as you like.


This vegetable is made up of 91% water and contains a wide variety of minerals and trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, or iron, and considerable amounts of vitamins. In addition, it is a food rich in flavonoids and beneficial antioxidants for certain organs such as the kidneys and the heart. Due to its properties, it also helps regulate metabolism and eliminate toxins that the body does not need.


Potatoes are high in vitamins and minerals, and beneficial in maintaining a healthy and strong kidney. This food represents an important source of starch, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, B vitamins, and vitamin C which, among other benefits, helps in the body’s purifying process.

The most suitable ways to consume them are: steamed, baked, microwaved, or in pressure cookers with little water; in this way we ensure the consumption of most of its nutrients, minimizing losses during cooking.

Although there are certain foods whose beneficial content helps maintain a strong and healthy kidney, the specialist points out that “one should not speak specifically of beneficial foods for kidney diseases and it can even be dangerous, since in the diet of these people there are many factors involved”.

These include the phase of kidney disease in which they are and other possible concomitant diseases, such as diabetes mellitus or high blood pressure. For this reason, “a food that may be beneficial for one kidney patient may be contraindicated for another,” experts added.

It should be noted that the nutritional recommendations for kidney patients are different depending on the phase of the disease in which they are: ACKD or pre-dialysis, dialysis or renal replacement therapy or transplant; which forces modify the dietary recommendations in each one of them.